Sunday, October 11, 2009

Giant Knitted Tampon

This is my giant knitted tampon. It is stuffed with tampons and cotton balls.

(some) Things You Can Make With A Tampon

Copper Tampon

This tampon is from the third series of tampon projects that I had to do. I decided to make a tampon out of material that you would not want to put in your body. It is made up of a series of three different sized jump rings that I made myself.

Charcoal and Water Part II

Our in class assignment was to choose one of the statues in the Main Building, where our class is located, and draw it realistically and surrealistically.

Charcoal and Water

The latest technique we learned was how to draw with charcoal and then go over it with the bamboo brush and water. I actually enjoyed using a brush for this technique. It somehow was more calming and less frustrating than using it with the ink.
Sea shell

HW: Sumi ink and Brush still life in a public place

The top of the stove in our dorm. I wanted to choose something easy so that I would not get too frustrated.

Sumi Ink and Stick

And then he thought it would be a good idea to have us use a stick to draw with the sumi ink. I loved this technique.

Sumi Ink and Bamboo brushes

After getting familiarized with charcoal, our teacher decided it was time for us to get familiar with drawing with sumi ink and bamboo brushes. This was incredibly frustrating for me. And I let my teacher know and he was glad.

HW: Reductive still life in a personal place

Toilet bowl.

Reductive Still Life

For this still life we had to cover the paper with charcoal and then 'draw with the eraser'.

Another still life in Charcoal

This still life was drawn using vine charcoal and compressed charcoal. First we had to cover the sheet with vine charcoal so that it has a nice gray color. And then we drew over that.

Stil life in Charcoal

First Drawing 1 Homework Assignment

We had to do a still life with 7 or 8 objects. It had to be a line drawing, with some crosshatching.

P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center

We also went to Queens to visit P.S.1. Here are a few links to what we saw.

The Whitney

Yesterday I went to New York City with my Sculptural Forms class and one of the museums that we visited was the Whitney. These are a few of my favorite pieces from their collection.

First MICA Drawing 1 Still Life

The title says it all. And for some reason it won't let me flip the picture. This is how it is going to be for a few of them.

For this drawing we could only use lines. We weren't allowed to do any shading, except for crosshatching.

How To Make A Tampon Movie

Courtesy of Pieter de Koninck

Friday, October 9, 2009

How To Make A Tampon

My time based response to re-presenting a tampon.