Thursday, September 29, 2011

Smart Textiles

muslin for my jacket for smart textiles. the plan is to have large pressure sensors on the jacket in areas that receive the most pressure when hugging. each sensor will trigger s different sound (each sound will be prerecorded from a *hopefully* circuit bent toy, that is then *hopefully (through Ableton)* harmonized with the other sounds. the sounds will be played from fabric speakers on the sleeves of the jacket. the jacket has princess seams and pleats and puffy shoulders. looks very Shakespearean when worn.


Circuit circus
home made paper speaker. the circuit is working, but the coil has to be redone in a more mathematical fashion.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Tape Loops

My Live Electronic Music and Media class will be broadcasting our tape loop performances live on the interwebs next Monday at 10 am EST. The site is:

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Six Word Memoirs

Why did I ever do that?

Squeeze tight, hold on and pull.

Sweetheart sits silently, doing her best.

BetaScape 2011

Meet my new bending buddy (he's the one on the right, with the alligator clips). He helps me bend circuits. And this is the circuit I am going to bend with him.


So, its kinda messy. But this is the new home.

Weaving Practice

Weaving with hand dyed yarns, fabric, speaker cable, and magnetic tape from a cassette.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Meet Theremin-Swag (other name contenders were: Emma (Goldman), Margaret (Thatcher)).  I rescued her last night. She is very thin. We're trying to find the owners, if not, we may be keeping her. We'll see!