Thursday, December 15, 2011

Rock-A-Bye Baby

The Wind-Up Space

You can just barely see me...wearing pinkish...

Weaving in Brown

My ikat study on display in the Brown Center as a part of the Junior Seminar show. Yay cell phone pictures!!!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Spring '12

Monday- Garment Design and Production Workshop 9-1
Tuesday- Biodiversity 7-945
Wednesday- Fiber Independent Study: Smart Textiles International Workshop w/ Rotterdam and China  830-2, Hypertexts 4-645
Thursday- Sound Installation Art 4-10
Friday- Philosophy and Fiction 9-1145

Finals Update

Live Electronic Music and Media- Performing at The Wind-Up Space Tuesday evening. We were put into groups of four and were told to rescore a 15 minute clip from a movie. We chose 'Enter the Void'. I am using recordings from space that I downloaded from NASA. I rerecorded the clips by amplifying them in one of the stairwells of Brown. I then transferred the recording to magnetic tape. I will be using the cassette recording as well as my laptop.

What is Beauty?- Working on my paper. Nothing too exciting.

Junior Seminar- Not interesting.

Smart Textiles- Well, I finished the class already. I made a jacket with soft switches, that, when pressed, triggered a clip of a choir singing to play from speakers sewn to the sleeves of the jacket. I intended for hugging to be the action that triggered the sound. Many things went wrong.

Contemporary Memoir- I have to make a book with my sixteen six word memoirs in it and then write a two page response to my memoirs, reflecting on how I have grown as a writer.

Woven Imagery- Working on my ikat final. The piece is 42" wide by 72" long. The weft is ikat as well. Its so crazy but I love it.