Sunday, May 1, 2011

Quick Preview

Here is a clip of me at The Vigil. Unfortunately it is only 15 seconds long and it was taken when my patch in MaxMSP had frozen, so the change in volume is not apparent. But here it is anway...

Video credit: Cassie Johnson

The Vigil

Here are some shots from The Vigil, an all night music 'festival' organized by Jason Sloan and Erik Spangler.

Photo credit: Cassie Johnson and Justin Caruso

Change in Schedule

So... I couldn't bear not taking a sound class next semester, so I changed my schedule around...

M: Live Electric Sound and Media, 9-3
T: What is Beauty? 1-345, Junior Seminar, 4-10
W: Smart Textiles, 4-10
TH: The Contemporary Memoir, 1-345
F: Woven Imagery 9-3

I am trying to get into a different theory, then I could drop What is Beauty and have a theory on Wednesday morning. Once I am done with next semester, I will have one studio requirement left and the rest will be electives. Yay!